DalLUX Porcelain Perimeter Tile

DalLUX™ Porcelain Perimeter Tile

DalLUX™ perimeter porcelain tile is manufactured by Serapool Tile in Turkey since 1987 with a proven record of quality that certifed to European and USA standards for cerramics. DalLUX™porcelain tile can also be used with generic tile on our stone/tile support system. Click Here for Information 


  • Distributed into 85 countries worldwide
  • Tile selection complements Daldorado DPAS and DPAR
  • Tile selection complements DalLUX-STS-03 & STS-04 Stone/Tile Support
  • Tile Anti-Slip Tested by NATA to HB198-2013/AS4586 Appendix A, European equivalent EN13036-4 the pendulum test
    • Wet Slip Test: conducted using Slider 55 (TRL) Rubber Slider
    • Flat Tile Anti-slip surface mean SRV (BPN)
    • Classification Rating P5 = >44
    • Test Code Endorsed by CTIOA since 2001


DalLUX™ Support Grate
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DalLUX™ Porcelain Tile with SILENTFlow™ Grating 
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